By Brian Johnston

Brian Johnston (see Electronic Press Kit)  serves as the Western Regional Director of National Right to Life and Chairman of the California ProLife Council. He has served as California ... [more]

The Evil Twins - Roe and Doe: How the Supreme Court Unleashed Medical Killing

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Click for audio: In 2013 Justice Ginsburg agreed with and confirms Brian Johnston’s eye-opening analysis. Roe and Doe weren’t written to benefit women, but instead, to protect physicians. "Powerful. Explodes the media myth of Roe v Wade."  Fr. Frank Pavone, Director, Priests for Life "This book is the 'codebreaker' to the cultural distortion of the right to life issue."   Anderea Seastrand, Member of Congress, ret. "Cuts through the fog of the biggest issue of our day - intentional killing of the weak."   Craig Roberts, Salem Radio Network — On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court released two, interlocked abortion decisions overturning the laws of all 50 states. Only one, Roe v. Wade, tends to get much media... [read more]

ISBN: 979-8-58662-756-8

Nonfiction, 162 pages, perfect bound

See the front cover enlarged.

Death As A Salesman: What's Wrong With Assisted Suicide

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Recognized as one of the definitive handbooks in the battle against assisted suicide, this clearly written analysis examines the issue from numerous perspectives. Chapters include: The story of Jack Kevorkian; the History of the Hemlock Society; Real Answers to Pain and Depression; Hospice Care; Medical Ethics; Social History of Assisted Suicide; and much more. Editorial Reviews "Death As A Salesman is incisive. It's a logical and easy read on a difficult and emotional subject. Brian Johnston drives home, in an accessible and engaging way, why 'Thou shalt not kill.' still makes sense." --Professor David B. Warner, University of Steubenville"This book is a tremendous resource for anyone called on to address the issue of 'assisted suicide.' And since we're all going to die, and know... [read more]

ISBN: 978-0964112513

Nonfiction, 195 pages, perfect bound

Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation

Available formats / editions:

New edition of the dynamic book first published in 1983; the only book to be published by a U.S. President while in office. Contributions from Wanda Franz, Ph.D., Pres. of the National Right to Life; Brian P. Johnston, CA. Comm. on Aging and Western Regional Dir. of the Nat. Right to Life; and the Hon. William Clark, Chief of Staff to then-Gov. Reagan, National Security Adviser to the President “President Reagan’s record of public service reveals that no moral issue was of greater importance to him than the dignity and sanctity of human life. [He is] a champion of all that is right and true and just; a firm believer and practitioner of all that makes America great; an advocate of the good; a defender of the innocent, young and old alike.” Hon. William P. Clark, who... [read more]

ISBN: 9798630764201

Paperback, 64 pages, influential pro-life work by President Ronald Reagan