The Evil Twins - Roe and Doe: How the Supreme Court Unleashed Medical Killing

Available formats / editions:

Kindle Edition

Click for audio: In 2013 Justice Ginsburg agreed with and confirms Brian Johnston’s eye-opening analysis. Roe and Doe weren’t written to benefit women, but instead, to protect physicians.

"Powerful. Explodes the media myth of Roe v Wade."  Fr. Frank Pavone, Director, Priests for Life

"This book is the 'codebreaker' to the cultural distortion of the right to life issue."   Anderea Seastrand, Member of Congress, ret.

"Cuts through the fog of the biggest issue of our day - intentional killing of the weak."   Craig Roberts, Salem Radio Network

— On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court released two, interlocked abortion decisions overturning the laws of all 50 states. Only one, Roe v. Wade, tends to get much media attention. It is popularly said that Roe grants a 'woman's right to choose'. But Justice Blackmun is, in several places, quite adamant: though it had been explicitly sought, he was not granting to women the 'right to choose.' "The right to privacy does not include a right to do as she wishes with her body" and "A woman's constitutional right to an abortion is not absolute." Roe 410 US 189

So why do feminists now assert it celebrates a 'right to bodily autonomy' when it explicitly states the opposite?

In Doe v Bolton, the second and often unexamined, companion decision, Blackmun is explicit. The right he is granting is to the doctor. There is to be no cloud of prosecution. The 'freedom to choose' was granted to the physician. For the first time in Western Civilization the doctor was no longer constrained by the oath to 'never harm' another human being; the doctor was free to kill. Medical ethics has never been the same and the repercussions are still being felt.

Nonfiction, 162 pages, perfect bound

Author/Contributor info:

Brian Johnston (Author)

Brian Johnston (see Electronic Press Kit)  serves as the Western Regional Director of National Right to Life and Chairman of the California ProLife Council. He has served as California Commissioner on Aging, on the state's Board of Nursing Home Examiners, and on the board of The National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled. He is a frequent spokesman on the specifics of the right to life debate and the now increasingly common practice  of intentional medical killing. He has appeared on many programs including PBS NewsHour, Fox News, NBC Nightly News and many other programs. He is the host of the syndicated radio program Life Matters with Brian Johnston.

Buzz about The Evil Twins - Roe and Doe:

5 out of 5 stars Codebreaker for abortion confusion

By Andrea Seastrand, Member of Congress, retired (Calfornia)


“It’s high time, that we understand that our culture itself is at stake in the Right to Life debate.  This book is the codebreaker to the media distortion of the abortion issue! Brian’s book demands careful reading and very reasonable actions you probably haven’t considered.”

5 out of 5 stars "Powerful... stunning analysis and timely."

By Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life (Cocoa, FL)

“Brian Johnston’s powerful book explodes the media myth of Roe v Wade. In Doe v Bolton the high court simply unleashed doctors to kill, without accountability, throughout pregnancy, whenever they felt ‘justified.’ Medical killing is the issue. This is a stunning analysis and timely.

5 out of 5 stars Excellent! Incisive.

By Mackenzie Bettle, J.D. (Washington, D.C.)

Brian Johnston's Evil Twins is a deeply incisive exposition of the confused 'story' that is Roe v Wade. Johnston simply lays out facts that are startling with clarity. He cleanly unwinds the twisted language and logic that the 'cultural elites' simply repeat and force on society as gospel.  Let's face it, you and I have had to endure a media and academic 'snob condescension' that feeds and spreads a smothering fog about abortion and these abortion decisions. This is an excellent 'mirror of society' to hold up. It will help you percieve each of the individual, writhing snakes of abortion's Medusa. It is a clean sword to the twisted Gordian knot of the death peddlers.

When many of Roe's opponents are also some of the most progressive legal scholars known (it's true!) and Johnston offers dozens of such examples from both sides of the aisle; then you know that this fact alone is something the major media will never tell you.  This book is packed with simple, straightdorward facts, historical details, clarity of thought and exposition of the law. But still, any layman will be comfortable reading it.   Justice Scalia would be proud.

"Cuts through the fog..."

By Craig Roberts, Host of Life Line, Operations Manager KFAX Radio, Salem Network (Calfornia)

“Brian Johnston cuts through this fog, the moral miasma, that must be understood if we are to stop it.

This book powerfully takes on the biggest issue of our day - intentional killing of the weak - and does so with immediate and unexpected clarity.  If it doesn’t wake you up then you’re just not paying attention!”